Category Archives: Cleaning

Clean Your Oven Naturally and Cheaply

Author: Veronica Hilliard

“I have sporadic OCD cleaning moments around the house. But then I get lazy and I’m cured. It’s a very inconsistent personality trait.” —Chris Hemsworth

Yep. That’s me. Sporadic OCD. I have one day or one week where I get a wild hair (well, in my case it’s always wild!) and I feel the need to CLEAN ALL THE THINGS!

That happened today. I had a good friend and her boys over for pizza dinner tonight. She doesn’t care that I’m not the best housekeeper (love her for it!) but it was good reason to do a deeper clean than I normally do. I managed to focus my lasers on the oven that I mentioned in this post. It’s been smoking me out for long enough. Want to know how I cleaned it?

.  Clean Your Oven Naturally and Cheaply :: Pen Pals and Cookin' Gals Blog

My secret cleaning weapon for almost every situation is baking soda and vinegar. Together or apart they are just about all you need. I mix half vinegar and half water and 5-10 drops of my favorite essential oil in a spray bottle for sanitizing and cutting through grease.

I keep a little jar of baking soda in just about every room and I buy it in bulk at Sams.

Clean Your Oven Naturally and Cheaply :: Pen Pals and Cookin' Gals Blog

A quick sprinkle of baking soda.

Clean Your Oven Naturally and Cheaply :: Pen Pals and Cookin' Gals Blog

Spray vinegar and it’ll start to bubble. Yep, just like the crazy science class volcano.

You’ll still have to apply a little strategic elbow grease. Can’t get out of it that easily.

Clean Your Oven Naturally and Cheaply :: Pen Pals and Cookin' Gals Blog

And Tadaa!! You have a (mostly) clean oven and no harmful chemicals. Come on… that’s where you put your FOOD! Don’t you want to clean it with something you could technically eat? Yeah, me too.

I was really glad to have a clean oven to cook my pizza in. Want a super duper and easy pizza recipe? Here’s mine. I let my bread machine do all the work. Easy!